Ayurvedic Postpartum Recipes : A Guide for Families to Nourish The New Mother


The postpartum time is like none other. In India it is called the Sacred Window and everything that is done during this window has a direct effect on the core health of the mother and family. Passing on this lineage of thousands of years of healing is a passion of mine and I am honored to sit in this space with you. THANK YOU for volunteering to care for the new mother in your life. The gift of holding space, preparing meals and tending the hearth of the home is a PRICELESS offering that I know is coming directly from your heart to the new family. You are giving a great gift to the future of humanity with your generosity of time and spirit.

This 23 page guide contains guidance on how and what to prepare for the new mother in your life. Utilizing fresh ingredients, these easy to make recipes will be a favorite of all members in the family!

Recipes include:

Are you feeling like you need a little extra support, email me to schedule a Postpartum Care Consultation and we can craft a step by step guide to assist you in the process of healing and rest for the mama in your life.

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